Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Happy First of July!

Hi there and welcome to The Imaginarium of Janet and Janikka. :D
So, it's the first of July and here I am, still happy with my work despite the many challenges I faced for the past week. Until now, my son is not feeling well. I missed those times when he would sleep peacefully at my side and wakes up with a smile on his face. Recently, he cries and screams several times during the night and I had to wake up to soothe him. He still loves to sleep on my tummy regardless of how heavy he already is. When we went to the hospital the other day, the nurses weighed him and I wasn't surprised he weighed 20 kilos. I expected he weighed more but probably because of his recent illness, he lost a few pounds. I'm hoping that by the end of this week, he is back to his normal chubby self.
On the other hand, school is strenuous. I finished one presentation last Sunday and am glad my teacher liked it. I thought I need to present four topics in one day. But I'm relieved to find out that the rest of the presentation will be done next Sunday. At least I still have some time to prepare my slides and take pictures for our picture analysis. 
Regarding my writing, I haven't finished the second chapter of the book I am currently working on. Maybe after all my presentations are done, I could get back to writing again. I have three story maps waiting for me so once I have the time, I could get back to them because I now have a definite plan and could track my progress with my phase tracker. 
All in all, God is good. Life is even better and July will be awesome. 


Wednesday, June 17, 2015

New Life, New Love

Hi there and welcome to The Imaginarium of Janet and Janikka. :D

Whoah! I'm on break and so far, things are running smoothly. I love my job. In fact, I am excited to go to work every day. This is the first time I felt like this. I know, it sounds like a line from a song, but that's exactly how I felt. For the first time, I didn't have to drag myself to work. For the first time, listening to music, eating in my station is encouraged just to make the employees happy. Isn't that great? All I need to do is edit content and make them attractive and easier to read online. This is the best job ever.
On top of that, I could sleep with my baby at night and I have weekends off. That is the most important part of my job. In fact, I considered that as one of the perks of my career.
Anyway, that's the highlight of my career these days. I still write stories on my free time especially after work. SM is just outside the office so window shopping after office hours is very favorable.
Overall, I intend to keep this job for as long as I can.


Wednesday, June 10, 2015


Hi there and welcome to The Imaginarium of Janet and Janikka. :D

The Skype interview went well earlier. However, they requested me to drop by their office tomorrow afternoon for another interview. I'm not sure if it would be the final interview or one of the many. But  I had a grasp of what my job entails and the working hours were favorable. I told myself that  I am open to any possibilities as long as I could sleep with my baby at night. I was so tempted to ask about the minimum wage but I stopped myself. It's not the pay, but the favorable work schedule, that's important.

I have a bit of a concern though. I hope that this job would not affect my creativity. That is what happens when I become too technical and as far as my job is concerned, I will be technical once I perform the duties of an editor.

But I am excited about this challenge. If this is what God prepared for me, then so be it. I know His plans are perfect. I get to spend nights with my son because of the fixed schedule and on top of that,I will be free on weekends. That is the most amazing part. :D

Let's see what happens tomorrow. I only realized earlier that I didn't have the proper shoes for the interview so I have to rummage my sister's closet in the morning. I can imagine my feet would kill me by the end of my day tomorrow but I'll bear it for now until I can afford a new pair. I'm not really fond of closed shoes but if that is what the job requires, I'll be more than happy to oblige. I am secretly hoping though, that they do not follow a very strict dress code. Casual would be okay with open-toed sandals. Then I'll be a happy camper.

Time to hit the sack. Ciao!